Friday, September 25, 2009

Kent defeats Crestwood 3-2!!!

In the most exciting game of the season, Kent DEFEATED league rival Crestwood 3-2 in a match that surely could have swung both ways. Both teams entered the game with a lot of anticipation and expectation for theirselves. For Crestwood and Kent, this was a chance to knock off their next closest rival and secure the 2009 PTC league title (assuming they can defeat the other teams). Both teams started off fighting hard, being physical whenever possible. Where I think this Kent team has improved is its physicality. This is huge. Kent for a long time has been known as a nicer, less physical team. While this is all good in terms of sportsmanship, they were allowing themselves to get beat by sacrificing that physical element. Kent brought the shoulders to this game, in particular in Erin Waples, who threw a couple of hard shoulders to the disdain of Red Devils fans. This had two effects: one, it immediately alerted the Red Devils that Kent was a team to be reckoned with. They were intimidated, for sure. The second effect was it took Crestwood's physical advantage out of the game.

The game did not lack drama. Crestwood scored first, early, scooting a ball in the box by goalie Abby Bradford. This spoke to the drive the Red Devils had entering the game. They were ready. But not to be stopped, Roosevelt scored soon after, tying the match at 1-1. Roosevelt would score once again, this one by Michaela Kline, to go up 2-1 at the half. The second half was full of drama. Crestwood tied the game at 2-2, and several times had goals annulled by the refs for offside penalties. With about twelve minutes left, Kline again buried a ball into the net to take the 3-2 lead, which they would never relinquish. Give Roosevelt defense some serious credit for holding Crestwood in those last pressure filled minutes.

Rahs to the junior and senior class for coming out and supporting their Lady Riders. This charged up the crowd, and undoubtedly charged up the team, to see such a large contingent of supporters in the stands. Plus, my mother brought her cow bell, which echoed across the stadium nicely. This was harkening back to the Crestwood game of last year, in which THEIR fans brought a cow bell and drowned out Kent home fans. We will never let this happen again, we said then, and true to our word, we murdered their noise with our own.

Also, cheers to the men and women working the concession stand. You provide a valuable service. Yummm. Go Kent!

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