Sunday, August 9, 2009

1st post

Hello, and welcome to the first entry of Kent Roosevelt Women's Soccer blog. My name is Chris Hook. My sister, Emily, plays on the squad this year. I have watched her and her friends play since they were very young, and have always been excited about the prospect of a new season. This year, harnessing the power of the Internet, and following the trend of sports journalism, I (and others, if they want) will write a blog, commenting on the ups and downs of the upcoming 2009 fall season.

This season, the team looks to build on an exciting year, which saw them reach the precipice of entry into the regional playoffs. The team, though losing vital attacker Katie Mitchell and defensive whiz Jessica Giulitto to graduation, remains strong, with a core of senior girls who have played together for many years, as well as a strong group of underclassmen. Coach Steve Mitchell, a recently naturalized citizen of the US (originally from the UK), is coaching the squad of girls, this his sixth year of coaching at RHS. Coach Mitchell has consistently proven his adeptness at running teams-- his past teams' successes speak to his fine understanding of soccer and his exceptional ability to communicate with his players.

This blog is for fun. We will avoid direct criticism of players, keeping in mind they are high schoolers and not professional athletes. Criticism, if there be any, will address team flaws, such as group chemistry or lack of energy. Furthermore, failures and successes in soccer can hardly ever be attributed to individual efforts-- there is truly no "I" in "TEAM" in the sport.

Being a spectator for three years thus far, I know that women's soccer at Kent Roosevelt High School is exciting, an emotional rollar coaster that will keep you glued to your seats biting your nails one second, to leaping over railings and swarming the players with hugs after a sweet sweet overtime victory, especially one over the Ravenna Ravens. The spectators laugh and cry along with the players during the season. This is what sports is about. I hope you enjoy the season!

If you would like to write for this blog, send me a message at Feel free to also comment on blog postings... this is your forum! (but please, avoid direct criticism of individuals, and be polite, please).

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