Saturday, August 29, 2009

KR defeats Tallmadge 3-0

I will tell you, my friends, it is nice to have Abby Bradford in goal. Though the Riders didn't play their best game last night, especially in the first half, Bradford was spot on. Though passes weren't terribly clean, and though shots on goal weren't turning into shots in goal, and though the defense allowed some nice crosses into the Riders' box, there was Bradford to pick up our slack. It must be nice for the defense to know that EVEN IF they have an "off night," or even a not-up-to-par night, they have a solid field general directing them. This is Bradford's fourth shutout in six games (wow!).
This is not to overemphasize the degree to which Roosevelt didn't play "their" game. They allowed a relatively small number of shots on goal, a credit to the defense, and of course, didn't allow a goal. We at the blog love shutouts, prefer them really, so keep it going Roosevelt, if only to please us at the blog!

It was a particularly refreshing night-- it was cloudy, so those in the stands didn't have to watch the game with the glare of a setting sun in their faces. Expect more of these as winter approaches... ugh.

There was also quite a crowd gathered to watch our girls play! It seems this team has created quite a buzz around the school... now to keep the buzz going! Let's get 'em at Stow this Saturday, a crucial game from the standpoint of team confidence. Win or lose, let's play them tough!

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