Saturday, August 29, 2009

Kent falls to Stow, 2-1; WE MUST PROTECT THIS HOUSE.

Kent suffered a heartbreaking loss to crosstown rival Stow yesterday. Though the defense played solid most of the way through, it was the offense that failed to capitalize on several opportunities. Unfortunately, this is a trend we are seeing as this season unfolds. Roosevelt needs to refocus itself on offense; they even might want to add another player up on the forward line, or at least midfielders that typically play back up into the box. It's not that we are bad shooters-- it's that the offense, dominated last year by departing senior Katie Mitchell and a lesser extent by Brianna Serafin, is young and unexperienced. Rebecca Thomas provides good leadership on the forward line; however, she too admits to missing some easy opportunities yesterday. It's a matter of execution-- Coach Mitchell MUST get his offense reenergized. It's like my dad says, "it's hard to win games with one goal."

This has the added effect of putting pressure on the defense. After Roosevelt scored early (12') to go up 1-0, the pressure was on the defense to hold the lead. They did, arguably, a good job, but eventually fell apart-- Stow stepped up its game in the second half with two scores in the last 25 minutes. The pressure of holding a one goal lead is one thing, but when the offense continues to miss scoring opportunities, that  just may be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's, er, the Rider's, back. It must have been very frustrating to be a Rough Rider player yesterday-- I imagine the offense is kicking itself for missed opportunities, and the defense is doing the same for allowing their lead to slip away.

In the scheme of things, this isn't terribly important. Conference play starts up this Tuesday AT the 2008 conference champion Norton Panthers, the Riders' main competition last year. Remember what we talked about in preseason analysis-- for us to be successful, we need confidence. Our chemistry is there, our skill is there, but it's our confidence that can make or break this team. Senior leaders need to send a message to its squad that they will not put up with more preventable unnecessary losses. This is NOT the time for the team to doubt its ability; it IS the team for the team to reassert itself. After two tough non conference losses, Norton is a huge game for the confidence of the team. It's important for Roosevelt to know they can dominate their conference... headline Wednesday morning reads: "Roosevelt says 'YOU MUST RESPECT THIS HOUSE.'" this is a bad-a commercial. Be inspired ladies.

P.S. A wag of the finger to OSHAA for continuing to sell tickets even after half time. I was hoping to prance in yesterday at halftime, saving the $6... but nooooo. The Stow ladies said they never stop selling tickets throughout the game. Well, boo boo to you you. I need to get a press pass or something... oh Mr. Rutskyyyy?

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